review Ansible
Being raised in the “good ‘ol days” (which let’s be honest is anything before 2020 at this point), I grew...

CyberArk Credentials, Ansible Tower, and You!
OPEN SESAME! was probably not the first password. Regardless, passwords have most likely been around for all of recorded history....

Ansible Tower Credentials
Where Ansible provides ansible-vault for encrypting passwords and other secret strings, this method doesn’t scale well with multiple playbooks and...

Connecting Ansible Tower and Github
Before creating job templates, credentials, inventories, and all the things necessary to run a playbook, Tower needs to know where...

Displaying JSON in a Markdown Table
This will be a quick article, and hopefully useful to some folks. I came up with this while trying to...

Using Inventory Plugins for Dynamic Tower Inven...
Inventories are necessary for running pretty much anything in Ansible. These can be simple, static lists with static groups, or...

All Along the Ansible Towers
It’s no secret I love Ansible. There are many reasons for that, but today’s reason is the way it very...

Moving WSL from one machine to another
Work is work and play is play, except for new laptop day. I didn’t actually intend to make a corny...

Continue..Return..Break OhMy!
Do you ever have one of those things that you know, until someone asks you about it? Like when someone...

An Ode to the Perfect Food I have heard that there are places where burritos are not common. I can...

Hash Tables and Dictionaries
When is a Hash Table not a Hash Table When it’s ajar a dictionary! It would seem that today is...

PowerShell Summit
I could write a book about PowerShell Summit, and that’s just from the first day. Both the breadth and depth...
Revert ADFS Certificate Rollover
INT. HOME IN BED - MIDNIGHT The phone rings suddenly, waking the Sysadmin from his peaceful slumber. He wakes immediately...

Windows Remote Management
It occurred to me the other day that besides being useful for other folks to read, a blog could be...

Fun With Windows Firewall pt. 3
This post is part of a series of posts outlining a handful of windows firewall management cmdlets. See the intro...

Fun With Windows Firewall pt. 2
This post is part of a series of posts outlining a handful of windows firewall management cmdlets. See the intro...

Fun With Windows Firewall
So I did this thing a while back, and it turned out to be surprisingly useful despite it being an...