![review Ansible](https://murrahjm.github.io/assets/img/posts/ansible_placehold.jpg)
review Ansible
Being raised in the “good ‘ol days” (which let’s be honest is anything before 2020 at this point), I grew...
![CyberArk Credentials, Ansible Tower, and You!](https://murrahjm.github.io/assets/img/posts/ansible_placehold.jpg)
CyberArk Credentials, Ansible Tower, and You!
OPEN SESAME! was probably not the first password. Regardless, passwords have most likely been around for all of recorded history....
![Ansible Tower Credentials](https://murrahjm.github.io/assets/img/posts/ansible_placehold.jpg)
Ansible Tower Credentials
Where Ansible provides ansible-vault for encrypting passwords and other secret strings, this method doesn’t scale well with multiple playbooks and...
![Connecting Ansible Tower and Github](https://murrahjm.github.io/assets/img/posts/ansible_placehold.jpg)
Connecting Ansible Tower and Github
Before creating job templates, credentials, inventories, and all the things necessary to run a playbook, Tower needs to know where...
![Displaying JSON in a Markdown Table](https://murrahjm.github.io/assets/img/posts/Powershell_placehold.jpg)
Displaying JSON in a Markdown Table
This will be a quick article, and hopefully useful to some folks. I came up with this while trying to...
![Using Inventory Plugins for Dynamic Tower Inventory](https://murrahjm.github.io/assets/img/posts/ansible_placehold.jpg)
Using Inventory Plugins for Dynamic Tower Inven...
Inventories are necessary for running pretty much anything in Ansible. These can be simple, static lists with static groups, or...
![All Along the Ansible Towers](https://murrahjm.github.io/assets/img/posts/ansible_placehold.jpg)
All Along the Ansible Towers
It’s no secret I love Ansible. There are many reasons for that, but today’s reason is the way it very...
![Moving WSL from one machine to another](https://murrahjm.github.io/assets/img/posts/tux_placehold.jpg)
Moving WSL from one machine to another
Work is work and play is play, except for new laptop day. I didn’t actually intend to make a corny...
![Continue..Return..Break OhMy!](https://murrahjm.github.io/assets/img/posts/Powershell_placehold.jpg)
Continue..Return..Break OhMy!
Do you ever have one of those things that you know, until someone asks you about it? Like when someone...
An Ode to the Perfect Food I have heard that there are places where burritos are not common. I can...
![Hash Tables and Dictionaries](https://murrahjm.github.io/assets/img/posts/Powershell_placehold.jpg)
Hash Tables and Dictionaries
When is a Hash Table not a Hash Table When it’s ajar a dictionary! It would seem that today is...
![PowerShell Summit](https://murrahjm.github.io/assets/img/posts/Powershell_placehold.jpg)
PowerShell Summit
I could write a book about PowerShell Summit, and that’s just from the first day. Both the breadth and depth...
Revert ADFS Certificate Rollover
INT. HOME IN BED - MIDNIGHT The phone rings suddenly, waking the Sysadmin from his peaceful slumber. He wakes immediately...
![Windows Remote Management](https://murrahjm.github.io/assets/img/posts/Powershell_placehold.jpg)
Windows Remote Management
It occurred to me the other day that besides being useful for other folks to read, a blog could be...
![Fun With Windows Firewall pt. 3](https://murrahjm.github.io/assets/img/posts/windowsfirewall_placehold.jpg)
Fun With Windows Firewall pt. 3
This post is part of a series of posts outlining a handful of windows firewall management cmdlets. See the intro...
![Fun With Windows Firewall pt. 2](https://murrahjm.github.io/assets/img/posts/windowsfirewall_placehold.jpg)
Fun With Windows Firewall pt. 2
This post is part of a series of posts outlining a handful of windows firewall management cmdlets. See the intro...
![Fun With Windows Firewall](https://murrahjm.github.io/assets/img/posts/windowsfirewall_placehold.jpg)
Fun With Windows Firewall
So I did this thing a while back, and it turned out to be surprisingly useful despite it being an...